What to do in Bournemouth

What is there to do in Bournemouth?

That might be a question you are asking if you’ve stumbled across our site randomly. Or maybe you are a local and hear about the new ‘up and coming’ BournemouthByNight.com guide to help you make the most of our beautiful city.

Never the less here are some of the best things to do in Bournemouth tourists and locals alike!

Go to the Beach

Lets face it. The beaches in the UK… Well… Suck!

But not in Bournemouth. This is one of the reasons I live here personally and I know a lot of other do also. With seven miles of perfect sandy beaches surrounded by magnificent cliffs the top thing to do in Bournemouth is to head to the beach.

Our beaches are different. Technically the UK is just a big island but for the most part the water is cold. Bournemouth is different, it’s go it’s own special climate. I’m no scientist so don’t ask my why this happens but it does and it’s lovely. The water is nice compared to other parts of the UK. Why not hire a deck chair (or buy one!) and lounge in the sun. Or play some sports on the beach. Or even hire a jet ski if you are into your water sports.


Right next to the beach is the perfect place to take the kids. The local aquarium called Oceanarium. One of the only aquariums on the globe that is located next to the beach. If you’re a local ask about a yearly membership card so you can take a kids a few times in the year. It will pay for itself. If you’re a tourist it’s well worth a visit.

The aquarium houses a large variety of sea creatures, over 100. And it also has a special penguin exhibit where you can get up close and personal with the little guys! Watch the video below so see more about this.


If you love shopping then you might as well be in London. Bournemouth is pretty much on the same level!

We have many different shopping districts. It’s mainly split into the town centre and the suburbs.

Town Centre
The town centre is a pedestrian high street that has been closed off to cars for many years now. There are mix of department stores, local boutiques, exclusive store and regular department stores. You can easily spend hours here doing some shopping and then relax to a coffee or lunch at one of the endless amount of cafes.

Other Districts

In the suburbs of Bournemouth you’ll find many shopping districts. Castlepoint is in Bournemouth. It’s the biggest shopping park in the UK. You’ll also find more boutique and quirky shopping arcades in Boscombe, Southbourne and Westbourne. All within minutes of the city centre by car or by public transport.

Well that’s it for my first official post for BournemouthByNight.com.
– Daniel